Church Service 2016
On Sunday 12th June the Division held its Annual Church Service at The Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Croston, by kind permission of the Rector.  The Service which is an annual celebration of our Christianity was led by P.Kt. Gratten Williams our Divisional Organist who is also a Reader in the Diocese of Liverpool.
P.Kt. Gratten Williams Divisional organist
The Intendant-General read the first lesson from Isaiah 6. 1-8.
He was accompanied by two of his grandchildren Mimi (8) and Sonny (3). The IG noticeably blanched when Sonny took hold of the Divisional Baton and refused to give it back. An IG in the making?
R. Ill. KT Mike Walker, Intendant General
The Deputy Intendant-General read the second lesson from Revelation 21. 1-2, 22-26 whilst his wife Anne laboured solo in the kitchen preparing our refreshments. Scones were provided by a friend of Neil Cooper’s wife and prepared by Anne.
Any volunteers to help in future would be greatly appreciated, especially by Anne!
Dep. Intendant General Fred Hargreaves
Gratten Williams gave a stirring sermon on the themes of Visions and Actions.
A collection was taken for the support of the Church.
The Deputy Intendant-General then deputised for the final part of the service as the IG decided that Sonny’s energy would be better deployed outside the Church.
Please feel free to bring along children and grandchildren to future service so that it won’t be only the IG who is embarrassed ………
We then repaired to the Church Hall where refreshments were served and enjoyed by all.  If anyone has Mary Berry tendencies we would like to sample your wares at next year’s service.
The IG reminded everyone of the serious floods which hit Croston last winter.
Finally, thanks to the Galley Crew - Neil Cooper and John Sarti - who served tea and coffee and were then left with the unenviable task of washing up afterwards.
Thanks guys.
You can download the Service Sheet here
Words by the Intendant General & Photographs by Colin Rowling